Essential Oils- A Natural Alternative to Hair, Skin and Health Care Challenges

When you think of essential oils, you probably think of how great they smell or don’t smell for that matter. Although they are used to create great smelling perfumes, most essential oils don’t have a perfume type of aroma. Essential oils are becoming an integral part of alternative modalities when it comes to health, skin […] Read More

Body to Body, Soul to Soul – The African American Body and What You Need To Know For Its Care

The differences between an African American body and others are not that many. If we’re talking about a natural difference, there was a time when full hips, shapely legs and sensuous lips topped the list. With the introduction of collagen and other cosmetic enhancements, other groups are giving us a run for our money. However, […] Read More

Using Natural Products for Black Skin Care

We are all familiar with the commercials out there drawing attention to the latest cream, moisturizer or exfoliator that will “revolutionize” our skin. Many of these products on the market promote their anti-aging effects or their ability to produce younger-looking skin. We will lather it on, scrub it around, and/or smooth it over our face […] Read More

7 Things You Didn’t Know About Essential Oils When Caring For Your Beautiful Black Skin

Many of our home and body care products contain Lavender, Lemon and Tea Tree oils. When we go to spas, we are treated with delightful scents and concoctions made of Chamomile, Ginger and Rosemary. We reward ourselves with exquisite perfumes brimming with notes of Rose, Jasmine and Ylang-Ylang. Safe to say that there is an […] Read More

Carrier Oils That Nourish, Nurture and Replenish Your Skin

When you think about oils, you’re typically looking at something that’s going to moisturize your skin and your body, from head to toe. Oils referred to as carrier oils are used to hydrate, nourish, replenish and nurture your skin. They’re often referred to as specialty oils. Not all oils are equal. Some of these oils […] Read More

5 Ingredients for Naturally Beautiful Black Skin

I’m always on a quest to find and provide the best information for you to care for your beautiful black skin.  After talking with a lot of you this past week, I’ve decided to share some of the key points that you touched on. I find that if one of you has and idea or […] Read More

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Essential Oils For Afro Textured Hair

Here’s  A Great Book To Add To Your Library!

If you’re looking for a natural alternative to care for your Afro Texture hair, essential oils could be the key.  Your kinky, curly, coiled hair is shaped differently and has a magnificent history. We want you to celebrate it! 

Essential oils have been part of the stories and celebrations for centuries when it comes to your hair and its health.

Essential oils are a natural alternative for the care and maintenance of your hair.  They’re lightweight and penetrate your hair and scalp well.  

Many of them have been known to stimulate your scalp, increase circulation, nourish hair follicles, grow it and improve your overall hair health.

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Essential Oils For Afro Textured Hair-How To Nurture Replenish and Grow It Using Them

-You’ll learn which essential oils are best for your unique hair.

-You’ll learn about carrier oils and the ones best used for your hair and scalp care

-Of course you’ll find Safety Precautions for using essential oils.

-You’ll even find recipes to try

-There’s information on the importance of Nutrition and Lifestyle Choices and how each affects your hair.

There’s so much more …

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