essential oils and black skinWhen you think of essential oils, you probably think of how great they smell or don’t smell for that matter. Although they are used to create great smelling perfumes, most essential oils don’t have a perfume type of aroma.

Essential oils are becoming an integral part of alternative modalities when it comes to health, skin and hair challenges. I’m sure you’re familiar with the basic essential oils such as Lavender, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Rose, Eucalyptus … you get the idea. What does this mean for you? For starters, you can use essential oils for your beauty, hair and health care needs.

For skin health:

Some of the best essential oils for skin health are Lavender, Rose, Jasmine and Geranium. In your cleansers, moisturizers, toners and serums by using essential oils, you can create products for yourself that you know are pure and good for you.

Lavender is a wonderful essential oil for minor burns. It can often help you prevent blisters and scars when used “neat” ( applied straight) on your skin.

For hair health:

By adding essential oils of Lavender, Rosemary, Peppermint and Tea Tree to your shampoo and conditioners you can create products that can help in stimulating hair growth as well as minimizing hair breakage.

Because these essential oils are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptics, they can help in eliminating scalp and skin conditions that affect your body.

For Gut Health:

Your Gut or your digestive track is responsible for your health. Did you know that all disease begins in your gut? So how do essential oils play a roll in gut health? Frankincense, Chamomile, Ginger and Peppermint Oil can help with your gut, your adrenal and immune system.

Lavender and Cinnamon have been known to balance out sugar levels in your body. Their use can possibly keep your from have those high and low swings in your energy

For Thyroid Health

For Thyroid Health, Frankincense and Thyme have been known to assist in creating a healthy thyroid. Thyme oil balances out your hormones. You can combine Frankincense and Thyme oil into a natural lotion base and use this all over your body and it can possibly aid in the health of your thyroid health.

For Adrenal Health:

Are you challenged with fatigue, exhaustion or just being plain tired, even after you’ve slept all night?. You can boost your energy by taking a bath at night and adding 10 drops of Chamomile and 10 drops of Vetiver to 1 cup of Epsom salt and put it in your bath, soak for 20 minute.

This combination is known to calm your nervous system. When done at least 3 times a week, you’ll find that you’re resting much better and feeling less tired when you wake up in the morning.

To help minimize Stress or that Fight or Flight syndrome:

We live in a world of stress, which keeps us in constant battle for job positions and overall survival issues. Some essential oils that will aid and help with this challenge are Chamomile, Ylang, Ylang, Cedarwood, Lavender and citrus oils which are great for uplifting your mood.

Your citrus oils can be used in the morning and oils that will aid in relaxation such as Lavender and Chamomile will be better used at night.

All that being said …

The best way to benefit from the use of essential oils is to begin using them, trying out recipes and testing the results for yourself. Whether it’s for scenting or alternative health use, essential oils are a great additive to your pantry and medicine cabinet. Now that you’ve had a chance to learn about essential oils, you can get a starter kit for yourself.

Note: Do Not replace any current medication with essential oils or stop taking traditional medicine without the supervision of a trained medical professional.

That’s it for this week, As always …


Dedicated To Your Beauty

Juliette Samuel


Nyraju Skin Care


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Essential Oils For Afro Textured Hair

Here’s  A Great Book To Add To Your Library!

If you’re looking for a natural alternative to care for your Afro Texture hair, essential oils could be the key.  Your kinky, curly, coiled hair is shaped differently and has a magnificent history. We want you to celebrate it! 

Essential oils have been part of the stories and celebrations for centuries when it comes to your hair and its health.

Essential oils are a natural alternative for the care and maintenance of your hair.  They’re lightweight and penetrate your hair and scalp well.  

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Essential Oils For Afro Textured Hair-How To Nurture Replenish and Grow It Using Them

-You’ll learn which essential oils are best for your unique hair.

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