Is your skin as an African American reacting to your lifestyle, eating habits and job related pressures?

I’ve gotten a lot of calls and talked with a few clients about breakouts on their faces and hair loss.  I saw a client over the Christmas Holiday’s and was surprised to see her with short hair.  Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with short hair.  But this was a client that based her worth on the length of her hair.  (Red flag)  Well it’s February and she phoned to tell me that she is now wearing a wig and that she’d lost more hair since I saw her last.

She’s gained 60 pounds and her skin is having quite a few challenges because she didn’t feel the need to maintain a skin care regimen.  Now you’d think she’d be relaxed and stress free since retiring a year ago.  But retiring is not always an easy  adjustment for some people.

Her stress is not because she lost her job but because she chose to retire and had no plan for all of the free time now at her disposal.   Her lifestyle has changed, so have her eating habits and they have affected the appearance of her skin, the condition of her hair and her weight.

She’s joined a gym, works with a nutritionist and I’ve got her on a skin care regimen for her maturing skin.  As for her hair, my daughter suggested she go natural and give her hair a break from the chemicals.  No answer on that yet.

Bottom line, Stress can be a Bit..!  So, take your breaks from the treadmill called life.  Plan get-a-ways every 6 weeks, even if it means checking into a Bed & Breakfast or Hotel in your city for two days.  (And yes, you can afford it.  We always find a way to afford what we really want.)

You’ve changed environments and you are not in your space called home.  The change in scenery can provide you with a completely different way of seeing things and as for Stress, not this weekend!

To Your Beauty,

Juliette Samuel,

Esthetician/Publisher-NYRAJU Skin Care


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Essential Oils For Afro Textured Hair

Here’s  A Great Book To Add To Your Library!

If you’re looking for a natural alternative to care for your Afro Texture hair, essential oils could be the key.  Your kinky, curly, coiled hair is shaped differently and has a magnificent history. We want you to celebrate it! 

Essential oils have been part of the stories and celebrations for centuries when it comes to your hair and its health.

Essential oils are a natural alternative for the care and maintenance of your hair.  They’re lightweight and penetrate your hair and scalp well.  

Many of them have been known to stimulate your scalp, increase circulation, nourish hair follicles, grow it and improve your overall hair health.

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Essential Oils For Afro Textured Hair-How To Nurture Replenish and Grow It Using Them

-You’ll learn which essential oils are best for your unique hair.

-You’ll learn about carrier oils and the ones best used for your hair and scalp care

-Of course you’ll find Safety Precautions for using essential oils.

-You’ll even find recipes to try

-There’s information on the importance of Nutrition and Lifestyle Choices and how each affects your hair.

There’s so much more …

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