Exfoliation-AfricanAmericanSkinWe live in a world where skin care challenges have become more of the norm than they used to be. Why is that? Could it be that lifestyle and food choices have a lot to do with the challenges you experience?

I’m hearing from and seeing a lot of you with breakouts. What’s causing that?!

Here are a few things that can possibly be the culprit when it comes to breakouts.

The foods you’re eating play a big role in the beauty of your skin. Some of you have breakouts that are triggered when you eat spicy foods. Others of you have challenges when you eat bread, dairy or sugar.

What do you do? You be mindful of what happens to your skin when you eat certain foods. If you experience a breakout, ask yourself what you’ve eaten in the past 3 days and begin to eliminate them one at a time until you find the culprit.

▪ What products are you using? A lot of skin care products are made with mineral oil and while it’s a super heavy moisturizer, it can clogs your pores. When you skin can’t breathe because of products it causes build up and breakouts occur.

Whenever you see breakouts, check your food intake and your products. Even natural products can sometimes cause breakouts. It all depends on you and your chemical composition as a person. No two people are the same, so what works for one person will not always work for another even if it’s natural.

▪ Could your hair care products be causing you to have acne breakouts and skin challenges? Not only your products, but could the “protective” hair covering you’re using or the weave you love so much be the culprit in your facial, shoulder, back and upper arm breakouts?

We all know that sulfates and silicone often found in hair care products have been known to cause breakouts on the skin. Find an alternative that’s sulfate free and has essential oils to help with your natural hair care.

If you’re transitioning from relaxed to natural, give your scalp and your hair a chance to breathe. Don’t keep it locked up in someone else’s hair and call it a protective style. Don’t forget, that hair has been cut off of someone else’s head and processed with thousands of other peoples hair. The bacteria, not to mention the energy, ends up in your scalp and framing your face. Not always a good idea.

▪ It’s a good idea to keep your hands off your face. Your hands touch every surface you encounter during the day. Your desk, your keyboard, bathroom door, elevator button, escalator rail … you get the idea. You get an itch on your face or scalp … your scratch, without washing your hands first. You now have the dirt, bacteria and who knows what else making a home on your skin.

A lot of you like to use hand sanitizers to keep things germ free. Hand sanitizers can often dry your skin. An alternative would be to make your own. There are plenty of recipes online for you to use. Lavender, peppermint and tea tree essential oil along with aloe vera are great ingredients to look for as you do your online search .

▪ Stress is one of the biggest culprits for acne breakouts and other skin challenges. Ever notice how great your skin looks when you take a break from your job. Whether it’s a vacation or mental health break, your skin will always look better when you step away from what’s causing you stress. You sleep and eat better too.

We all have to pay the bills, so whenever you can, give yourself time for you. Even if it’s just a spa retreat you prepare for yourself at home. You can always do a Girl’s Trip!

That’s it for this week, As always …

Dedicated To Your Beauty,

Juliette Samuel


Nyraju Skin Care


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Essential Oils For Afro Textured Hair

Here’s  A Great Book To Add To Your Library!

If you’re looking for a natural alternative to care for your Afro Texture hair, essential oils could be the key.  Your kinky, curly, coiled hair is shaped differently and has a magnificent history. We want you to celebrate it! 

Essential oils have been part of the stories and celebrations for centuries when it comes to your hair and its health.

Essential oils are a natural alternative for the care and maintenance of your hair.  They’re lightweight and penetrate your hair and scalp well.  

Many of them have been known to stimulate your scalp, increase circulation, nourish hair follicles, grow it and improve your overall hair health.

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Essential Oils For Afro Textured Hair-How To Nurture Replenish and Grow It Using Them

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