For many women the onset of menopause – signaled by erratic menstrual periods – triggers feelings of relief, followed by thoughts of fun-filled spur-of-the-moment sexcapades. But, hold on, check those thoughts. Unless and until you are “officially” menopausal, meaning that you have not had a period for a full 365 day year, you had better be careful.

Whenever you see an older woman with a baby are your first thoughts, “Oh, what a sweet grandbaby!” Ha! You better hold your tongue. It’s more likely one of two things: A baby who has been desperately awaited by a previously infertile couple, or a baby that is a surprise gift, as result of a menopausal missed call. The latter scenario is more common than you’d expect – more than 70% of pregnancies to women over 40 were not planned.

“Birth control pills? At my age?!” Even if you’re among the over 40 set, and although you may be technically undergoing the “change of life,” you may still need some sort of birth control. Birth control pills are only one option; of course, there’s also the IUD and condoms. You’re probably not too old to remember condoms. Now, these are not the most ideal option for preventing an unwanted pregnancy (in case you don’t remember your high school sex education classes, their efficiency rate stinks), but if you are not monogamous, or have recently started dating, you need to use condoms just to prevent the potential spread of STDs.

Birth control pills are a great choice, though, if you have only a single partner, and they’re not at all like the ones that you used to take back in your 20’s or 30s. The newer low dose kinds offer just enough level of hormone to keep your ovaries from spitting out an egg (or two or three), and they have the added benefit of helping to keep hot flashes under control. And, of course, they keep your period regulated, which is in itself, a huge bonus.

For women who have heavy bleeding during menopause, another birth control option is the IUD. These are far different from the ones you were familiar with (and frightened of) in the 70’s. Do you remember how we used to call it a “coil?” Makes you think of a mini Slinky stuck up there. These are way more high-tech. Some of them even contain the hormone progesterone, which is released slowly into your body, and can even control your bleeding, for up to 5 years! Hopefully, by then, you’ll be really and truly menopausal. And then you can have the fun-filled spur-of-the-moment sexcapades you’ve been dreaming about!

Be Healthy, Be Beautiful

Juliette Samuel, Esthetician/CEO NYRAJU Skin Care

‘Your Skin Care Expert For Women of Color’

Nyraju Skin Care

Creative Commons License photo credit: zerantuno


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