Beautiful Black Skin-2It’s the middle of summer and hot as all get out … How does that affect your skin? We have a tendency to think that because it’s hot outside, we should wear next to nothing in hopes of trying to keep cool.

You should actually consider covering yourself in order to protect your skin from the sun. I know, I know, you think your melanin can handle the heat. For the most part you’re right, but you can also burn and cause some oh so troubling problems for your skin.

What do you need in your beach bag as a dark skin beauty?

Water – You’ve got to stay hydrated. The last thing you need is to become dehydrated. This will not only send your body into shock,  it will cause your skin to begin to look like rubber.

Sunscreens – Yes, Sun’s Out! Have a way to protect your skin from the sun. Sunscreens, sun blocks and/or body oils should be in your bag. You’ll need to re-apply overtime as you go in and out of the ocean or pool.

Oils – We all have a love affair with oils. Oils can work wonders for dry chapped skin. They can also help moisturize and soothe an irritating sunburn. And Yes … your beautiful black skin can burn. As a matter of fact, your melanin can conceal sunburn making it more susceptible to skin cancer.

Coconut, olive and grapeseed oils are great for beach bodies. Add a few drops of essential oil and your skin will love you for it. Essential oils have been known to nourish, nurture and replenish dry and dehydrated skin. The sun has a way of zapping the natural oils and moisture from your skin, especially at the beach or poolside.

An Exfoliant – You can  have a mild exfoliant in your bag to slather all over your body and use the ocean water to remove it.  Or before you even head off to the beach, exfoliate your beautiful bronzed skin and then moisturize it with a beautiful body butter. Shea, cocoa and mango butters with essential oils will be great for summer skin. Body butters can act as sunscreens when infused with essential oils such as Lavender.

Something to Read! – Why not have that magazine you purchased 2 months ago or the book you purchased 6 months ago and never had a chance to read in your bag. Beach and pool time are wind down times and what better way to wind down than to relax and read near the water.

That’s it for this week!  Enjoy your time at the beach or pool and have fun. Just remember to take care of your skin.

As always …

Dedicated To Your Beauty

Juliette Samuel

Nyraju Skin Care


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