Is your skin clear and radiant?  Does it have a smooth and radiant texture?  If your skin doesn’t look or feel like this, you just might have a problem.  Fortunately,  a good skin care regimen can improve the condition of your skin and make the most of your  natural assets.

Did you know that your skin serves as more than an attractive covering for your body?  After all it is the largest organ of your body.  It’s a vital part of your immune system and offers the first line of defense from outside invaders.

Your skin regulates your body temperature and insulates your internal organs.  It releases heat when you become too warm.  Your skin eliminates excess waste that your kidneys, lungs and intestines cannot process and expels it through your skin.

The health of your skin relies on good blood and lymph circulation and adequate water intake.  Water is critical in maintaining the health of your skin.    Did you know that your body is 70 percent water? Your skin cells need a constant supply of water to function properly and to continue looking moist, youthful, radiant and clear.

Skin Type

Dry Skin/Mature Skin

With ethnic skin care, when your skin is dehydrated, you will see lines, wrinkles and dry dull ashy looking skin.  This typically falls under Dry Skin Type.  Dry skin lacks moisture and usually feels tight after washing.  It will have few or no visible pores.

As your skin matures it will experience some of the same characteristics as dry skin and give you an uneven skin tone.  Your skin will also experience loss of elasticity and premature aging.  Lifestyle factors will also contribute to premature aging so examine some of the choices you’re making.

Sun exposure, poor diet, insufficient water intake, nutritional deficiencies  and bad or improper skin care all contribute to dry and premature aging skin.

Oily Skin

Oily skin usually gives you a shinny appearance because of overactive oil glands.  Although oily skin is acne prone during your teen years, it’s natural oils in adult hood can help you to maintain your youthful glow and ward off dry skin longer.

Normal Skin

Normal skin is the ideal skin type.  It’s not too dry nor is it too oily.  Normal skin appears moist, clear, has an evened color and smooth texture.

If clear and radiant is the goal when caring for your beautiful black skin, a good skin care regimen is key.


Dedicated To Your Beauty


Juliette Samuel



Nyraju Skin Care


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