OK, so you’ve been reduced to small size toiletries when traveling by plane, it’s still important to arrive looking fresh and alert.

Pay attention to the three areas that you would focus on if you were at home: what you eat, exercise and your skin.

As always, beauty begins from within. Skip the donuts as your morning meal, go with a fruit bowl instead. Go for lean meats, salads, steamed vegetables and fish for lunch and dinner.

Stay in motion, a walk after your meals, will work just fine.

As for your skin, when you travel, it goes through a number of trials. Air conditioned cabins on planes with recycled air. The change of climates from the plane, to your car, to your room.  Pack extra moisturizer, a sunscreen, a light concealer,  a bronzer, a small bottle of water to mist your face and you’re ready.

By keeping it simple, your travel regimen for caring for your beautiful black skin  will keep you and your skin feeling soft and sensual.

To Your Beauty,

Juliette Samuel,

Esthetician/President-NYRAJU Skin Care



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Essential Oils For Afro Textured Hair

Here’s  A Great Book To Add To Your Library!

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Essential oils have been part of the stories and celebrations for centuries when it comes to your hair and its health.

Essential oils are a natural alternative for the care and maintenance of your hair.  They’re lightweight and penetrate your hair and scalp well.  

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Essential Oils For Afro Textured Hair-How To Nurture Replenish and Grow It Using Them

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