I like it when we talk about skin care. It’s all about your beautiful black skin from head to toe. Today we’re going to deal with your feet. There are certain treatments for foot care and reflexology is one of them. But so is a pedicure!
Something as simple as a pedicure can keep your feet in such good condition until you’ll be amazed at how well you feel and how much it does for your body.
Have you ever asked yourself how many steps you take, on average, per day? I don’t know of any recent studies but in research I was able to find, as of 2004, men took an average of 7,192 steps per day and women took an average of 5, 201.
Personally, I thought it would’ve been the opposite because women are always on the move with children, cooking, cleaning and jobs/career.
Another thing to take a look at as far as your feet are concerned, is how much weight and pressure is put on them on a daily basis. We’re talking about enduring several hundred pounds of pressure and looking at how that might be equivalent to walking the earth 4 times in a lifespan.
Why are your feet the most neglected part of your body?
The average person endures several hundred pounds of pressure on the feet daily. Your feet get up in the morning with the rest of the body and out the door on a busy day.
But they are the most neglected part of your body and according the American medical association, approximately 85% of the population has foot problems.
It’s imperative that your skin, which is the largest organ of the body, remains healthy in order to perform it’s main function which is to protect you from injury, infection and the entry of bacteria.
So this really holds true to your feet when it comes to protecting you from injury.
When you take a look at different treatments, someone’s always raising or perfecting the bar on a given treatment one would have. Whether it’s a facial, full body massage, hair and scalp treatment.
There’s not reason to neglect your feet especially with soaks and scrubs that you can use at home. But sometimes you just want the touch and relaxation of someone else doing the work.
The Therapeutic Pedicures have become the buzz. A therapeutic pedicure focuses on a greater need for foot care than just a feel good experience.
When you’re looking at what’s involved, the esthetician that’s providing it should ask you questions about your feet and your body as a whole.
But this kind of pedicure focuses on the health of your feet and conditions ranging from dryness to more severe conditions such as what happens to your feet when you’re diagnosed with diabetes.
Black Skin Care and Diabetes
In the case of diabetes, even ordinary problems can get worse and lead to serious complications.
Foot problems most often happen when there’s nerve damage or neuropathy, which is the loss of feeling in your feet. Nerve damages can also lead to changes in the shape of your feet and toes.
Poor blood circulation can make your feet feel cold and less able to fight infection.
In sever cases, it can lead to foot ulcers and amputations and all of this is a result of having diabetes.
So a trained and licensed skin care professional should work on you as an individual and if you have open wounds or sores on your feet a podiatrist would be your first point of contact.
In order for you to receive a really good pedicure, the skin care therapist should address the conditions of your feet. If you’ve got persistent dryness due to poor circulation, you’ll be shown how to train your skin for the treatment that it’s being given.
Calices formed from weight, excessive dryness, fungus of your nail, skin and cold feet and excessive perspiration, all lead to foot odor. So caring for your feet topically is extremely important.
The dead skin build up that occurs form the wear and tear on your feet.
So you’re looking at a lot of things that affect your feet. Now everything is going to go back to the food you eat and how much water you drink because any illness we suffer from is a result of improper diet and nutrition.
A good pedicure is just as important to the health of who you are as a good facial. The foods that you eat are just as important to the beauty of who you are as to someone taking care of their skin for a good facial.
Pedicures are extremely important and one of the main things that you should be very conscious of is the cutting away of cuticles around the nails. Not all skin has to be removed around the nail bed. Being very cautious in how the pedicure is given is something that should be taken into consideration as well.
Your feet are not only made for walking but they’re the foundation of holding you on solid ground. Take care of your feet and they’ll take care of you.
Dedicated To Your Beauty!
Juliette Samuel
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