We all want great skin, but when is the perfect time to begin a black skin care regimen, especially if acne is involved? Well … from day one, your mother was taking care of your beautiful black skin. She’d wipe your little face with a soft washcloth and keep it clean and free from dirt and grime.
You were pretty safe with your skin until you hit puberty. Pubessence ( no it’s not in the dictionary) brings in a host of challenges for your skin. Bumps, pimples, blackheads and bad food bring all of these changes into being.
Acne and Teen Skin Care
Acne can actually be cleared up with plant based eating. You eat a certain food at a certain time of day and cleanse your body internally removing toxins that are causing you challenges with your skin.
Not every teen is going to eat as you think they should. They are too influenced by their peers and what they eat and drink. Each of your body’s is a unique universe. No two worlds are alike, therefore no one treatment works the same for everyone.
Your eating habit could be completely different from that of your friends or family members. But this would still allow you to achieve the skin that you are seeking.
What Causes Acne?
Acne is actually the beginning of hormonal changes in the body. When hormones begin to flare up, your body begins to experience changes in its testosterone and estrogen levels.
In young girls you will begin to see hair in private and not so private areas of your body. This can be quite alarming to some, after all hair showing up on your lips, under your armpits or your vaginal area is a new experience.
When your body over produces oil, these oils are combined with dead skin cells and produce a sticky, clumpy residue that causes your pores to clog.
This also causes inflammation and sends a message to your body that something is wrong. The result is what you know as whiteheads.
Preventing Acne with a Black Skin Care Regimen
Don’t pick your face – Your hands touch and encounter almost every surface known to man: door knobs, computer keys, steering wheels, magazines at news stands, ink pens at the bank, shopping carts and money … think about it, you then touch your face. Really?
Caring For Black Skin – A black skin care regimen – Cleanse, tone, moisturize – is a great way to handle acne. Green tea based products cleansers are excellent. I suggest cream based cleansers because I’ve found that creams are gentler to your skin and will not strip the natural oils that are often lost when using gel cleansers.
Use a clean washcloth everyday … Keep your hair off of your face … shower after sports activities and change your pillowcase at least every two days, they can hold bacteria.
Nutrition plays an extremely important role in the condition of your skin. Green foods actually feed your cells and provide healthy blood flow. Salt and fried foods can produce excess oil and cause inflammation in your body.
Be mindful of your food choices because your skin will show the results either way.
Dedicated To Your Beauty,
Juliette Samuel