Have you kept the world guessing as to what your numerical age is? Can you attribute your beautiful black skin to genetics, the right eating habits, water, exercise or a combination of them all?



Most of you have genetics on your side.  The right gene pool is a plus for your beautiful black skin and health. Your mother and grandmothers have or had great skin and you’ve some how managed to be fortunate enough to inherit their gift.

You’ve been told ‘the apple don’t fall far from the tree’ or ‘you’ll know the health of a tree by the fruit it bares’.

While these are all true statements, it still takes concentrated effort to maintain your beauty in all of its blackness.

A simple skin care regimen of cleansing, toning and moisturizing will help you keep that beautiful glow that you’ve managed to inherit from your ancestors.


Eating Your Way To Beautiful Black Skin

I was watching an interview of a woman who’d been diagnosed with cancer and while she’s opted for alternative medicine treatments, her greatest change has come in what she eats.  It’s been 10 years since her diagnosis.

She talked a lot about her body being more alkaline than acidic.  In essence the more green foods you take in to your body the better your health will be.  The better your health, the better the condition of your beautiful black skin and hair.

So if you’re able to begin your day with a nice green drink – spinach, cucumbers and kale-you’re off to a great start.  It might mean developing an acquired taste for this type of breakfast but you’ll love how you feel as the week’s progress.

A nice salad with romaine lettuce, broccoli, zucchini and yellow squash for lunch will enhance your breakfast meal.  If you feel you must have some flesh, a small piece of grilled salmon brings in the omega 3 oils that are great for skin care.

Don’t forget your water intake.  Some say that spring water is best, others say distilled water and some even say filtered water.  One thing I know for certain, you don’t know the process so called spring water has gone through to get to you in that plastic bottle on the shelf.

You can filter your own water as well as distill it, but more importantly, you can pray over it and know for sure that you’ve asked a higher power to help you through your journey.


Will Exercise Enhance the Beauty of Your Skin?

If you read any of my work, you know that I love to recommend walking and dancing as forms of exercise.  You don’t have to pay to do either of them.

You can step outside of your front door and enjoy the beauty of the day and your community with a stroll around the block.

As for dancing, Soul Train is in syndication and runs throughout the day. One show a day will have you in tip top shape.  You can also pop in a CD and get your grove started in your living room.

The key is to move your body.  This circulates your blood and feeds your skin.  That beautiful bronze glow that you’ve been looking for was lying dormant from lack of motion.

It’s no secret that you can have beautiful black skin whenever you want it. But are you willing to invest the time to achieve and maintain it?


You’re worth it, Do it!


Dedicated To Your Beauty,


Juliette Samuel





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