When we think of black skin care for women, typically it’s hyperpigmentation or skin discoloration issues that top the list.

Did you know that exfoliation can help with those challenges?

Your skin naturally exfoliates every 28-40 days.  But, regardless of the body part, your body can only shed so much of the dead skin build up on its own.

Exfoliation then becomes the key to maintaining healthy skin.  And, exfoliation helps the dead skin cells shed quicker than normal.

Why would you exfoliate?

There are several reasons why you exfoliate your body.  When you exfoliate your body:

•    it evens out your skin tone and texture
•    it helps fight the signs of aging
•    it prevents blackheads, whiteheads and breakouts
•    it can minimize dark spots

You are taught to exfoliate your face because if you don’t your skin will become dull, gray and ashy.  Dull gray and ashy will accentuate the signs of aging in your complexion.

But what about the other parts of your body?  Your lips, your chest, your feet, your scalp and yes even your hands need to be exfoliated on a regular basis.

Why would you need to exfoliate your lips?

Did you know that your lips have dead skin cell build up?  Yes!  This is one of the reasons why you see dryness and chapping. Dehydration is another.  That’s why your lipstick or lip gloss appears flaky.

Why would you exfoliate your chest?

Your chest is home to hundreds of pores and can produce as much oil as your face and back.  If your chest isn’t exfoliated at least once a week, a build up of film will appear and your skin will have the same dull ashy look as your face.

Why would you exfoliate your scalp?

Your scalp is constantly shedding dead skin cells.  It often shows up as dandruff.  Styling products, relaxers, hair oils and butters can lead to build up, making your hair look dull, limp and hard to style.  And yes, even natural hair can experience these same challenges.

Exfoliating your scalp helps in removing debris, opens up clogged follicles and gets rid of excess oil and dead skin cells.  When this is done, you’ll increase circulation in your scalp and this promotes hair growth.

Why would you exfoliate your back?

For some your back might be hard to reach but it’s important to exfoliate it on a regular basis.  Your back can get clogged with oil and dead skin cells which can lead to pimples and acne.

One way of getting to your back is to use a brush, whether it’s for dry brushing or a massage type brush.

Why would you exfoliate your feet?

The skin on your feet is thicker than the rest of your body and can be hard to keep hydrated. In order to lock in moisture, it’s important to keep your feet exfoliated by removing the dead skin cells.  You know it as the white skin build up that if not treated, you’ll look as though you’re walking around with an extra sole.

Hands, Why would you exfoliate your hands?

Yes, dead skin cells that build up on your hands, will cause them to look dry and dull.  It can sometimes look like you’re wearing a pair of white gloves, your hands are so ashy.  This means taking care of your nail beds as well and not by having the skin “cut” away with sharp objects.


These are just a few of the reasons to exfoliate your “entire” body.  The results will give you smooth, soft, sensual skin and make it pleasurable to touch for you and your significant other.

Dedicated to Your Beauty,

Juliette Samuel


Nyraju Skin Care


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