Have you looked in the mirror lately? From the neck up most of you look like a radiant beauty. I say most because some of you have expressed differently. From the neck down, your mirror is telling you a different story. Have you ever noticed what happens to your body from the neck down if you don’t give it some TLC (tender lovin care)?
You’ll begin to see flaky skin, dull skin, and oh!, let’s not forget the hair that shows up in places you never thought possible. Taking care of your body has become big business for a lot of companies, however you can create your own regimen and get some great results.
Cleanse– You all know that a good cleanser is inevitable, however, your cleanser should not contain heavy detergents. More often than not, the cleanser may not be the culprit. It’s often the water that will actually cause drying of your skin. When you see this happening, exfoliation will be key.
Exfoliation – This process will help in removing dead skin cells and if you use the right blend of ingredients your skin will get a great moisture treatment as well.
Moisturize – There’s nothing like a good body butter to complete your body care regimen. Shea butter, the mother of all butters, is a staple for natural skin care. Add to it cocoa butter and mango butter and you’ve got the holy trinity of skin butters.
Spot Treatments
Décolleté– You know the space, it sits right above your breast. As a matter of fact, this area of your body has been deemed one of the sexiest parts. However, exposure to the sun and other elements can cause dehydration, Hyperpigmentation and premature aging.
Careful and gentle exfoliation of your décolleté, will keep you looking young and sexy in this area. Keep your skin moisturized with a rich hydrating body butter or natural oil such as coconut or jojoba.
Hands – If any area of your body is going to give away aging it’s your hands. They encounter every possible germ, bacteria, harsh detergent and natural element there is. Did you know that your hands naturally have thinner skin than your face and neck? Imagine that! And, constant exposure to the sun and other elements, make them dryer, look older faster and hyperpigmented.
So what are you to do? Always have a rich hand cream that actually penetrates into your skin and doesn’t just sit on top of it. A nice batch of antioxidants will help, as will ingredients such as Shea butter and coco butter to soften and moisturize them.
Feet – Not only are they made for walking, they carry you around on a daily basis. Not to mention how they’re enclosed in stilettos, jogging shoes or boots. Your feet have the thickest skin on your body, however it’s extremely important for you to take care of them very carefully.
Don’t use foot razors, they can lead to permanent damage and you run the risk of infections from cuts. I’m more fund of pumice stones or exfoliating scrubs. Keep your feet well moisturized with creams. Add or purchase ones with Rosemary, Lemon, Peppermint or Tea Tree essential oils. These ingredients provide antiseptic and anti-microbial properties that will keep your feet free of bacteria.
Your legs, arms, back and buttocks are also very viable parts of you. So use some of the same techniques mentioned above and remember a good body moisturizer is the key to great skin. Love your Body!!
Dedicated To Your Beauty,
Juliette Samuel
Nyraju Skin Care