In order to take care for your beautiful black skin, it’s important that you understand something about its structure and purpose. Knowing why, how and when to care for your skin and how to identify the best products specifically formulated for its needs will help it remain beautiful, smooth, glowing and healthy regardless of the climate you find yourself living in.
Think of your skin as a beautiful luxurious robe, made of a silk and cashmere blend, soft to the touch, that you wear 24/7. It presents your outward beauty and physical health to the world as well as protecting your inner being. Your skin is actually a living system that is comprised of your hair and nails, glands and several special receptors. As a complex structure, your skin performs nine essential jobs for your body.
Your Beautiful Black Skin:
Burns, abrasions, cuts ulcers, acne and pimples can allow infections and bacteria to enter. Your skin is designed to keep out more things than it lets in.
Your skin constantly displays signs of distress but if it’s well taken care of, it will display pure radiance. As you mature your skin will naturally begin to thin, its elastin weakens and collagen production slows. The wrong skin care products or neglect of basic care, poor nutrition, dehydration, insufficient exercise and over exposure to the sun, salt, wind, pollution and dry air can take its toll.
Guess what? Anger, depression, sadness, relationships gone bad and death of a loved one can add to the chemical changes and appearance of your skin.
So what happens now? Find yourself a spot on the planet and learn how to relax.
As you develop a knack for patience you’ll begin to see the beauty and luster of your beautiful black skin adorn the body that it protects.
Dedicated to Your Beauty,
Juliette Samuel,
NYRAJU Skin Care