What makes natural hair grow?
What makes natural hair grow?

There are quite a few misconceptions out there when it comes to natural hair and its ability to grow. Some believe that natural hair grows at a snail’s pace while others believe there is a plateau – once the hair reaches a certain length, it stops growing altogether.

The truth is that natural hair grows just as much as any other hair type. Unfortunately, one of the key factors that prevents growth from being visible, and keeps hair from attaining its maximum length, is that the hair is damaged and it could be breaking off just as much as it is growing!

So, what makes natural hair grow? What encourages natural hair to grow to its full potential for a beautiful, long, healthy head of hair is a combination of proper care and an understanding of what your hair type needs. While everyone has a unique regimen of care and individual needs to consider …

Here are the Six Universal Habits that can Help Your Hair to Grow:

Moisturizing is especially important for healthy hair that keeps growing. Natural hair tends to be more dry and dryness is what leads to brittle hair that breaks and easily sheds. Well-moisturized hair is also easier to manage when styling, and is more attractive due to added shine and less frizz.

For many naturals, deep conditioning once or twice weekly is ideal for keeping hair hydrated and strong. To maximize the moisture for your strands, always remember to use a sealant. A popular organic product used to seal in moisture is raw Shea butter. Raw Shea delivers nutrition as well by fortifying hair with essential vitamins, such as A, E, and K.

While Shea butter is good for your hair, when blended with cocoa and mango butters, it offers a well rounded blend of hair care ingredients that not only nourish your scalp but adds moisture to your hair in general. Take into consideration that too much of any product used on your hair will cause build up and attract dirt and debris. So, less is more. Use it, but use it sparingly.

Caring for your ends will also contribute to growth. New growth forms at our roots, and true to its name, it’s the new hair that grows out from the scalp. This new hair is the strongest and the weakest hair is at the bottom, requiring more care and attention. Split ends don’t just rest at the bottom of our hair. As the damaged ends split, they travel up the hair shaft and paves the way for further breakage. This breakage causes excessive shedding and more hair loss. Prevent this by keeping ends trimmed and properly caring for the ends when you condition and moisturize.

Keep styling to a minimum. We all love to be creative and try different styles based on our moods, trends, and lifestyle, but there is such a thing as too much styling. The more products, accessories, and heat we use to achieve a desired style, the more stress we place on our hair. This weakens hair and contributes to hair loss, but that doesn’t mean we have to sacrifice great style.

There is a multitude of protective styles that are meant to halt damage while working with our natural textures. Not only do these styles protect the hair, they are also stunning and original. Braids, twists and Bantu knots can be worn in diverse ways and are just a few of the styles natural hair lovers love.

Lifestyle choices and habits cannot be overlooked. Much like our skin, hair cannot be fully treated from the outside. Proper health and nutrition are essential for gorgeous and enviably long hair. To protect hair from the environmental damage of the sun, extreme weather, and pollution, it has to be strong from the inside out.

The most effective method of internal hydration that benefits your hair comes from water. Drinking enough water has countless benefits for the body and helps it to expel toxins and promotes circulation, all of which benefits your hair.

It’s more of a passing thought to many people that nutritional deficiencies are the cause of slow hair growth, but there are vitamins in many healthy foods that are good for our hair. Fruits, vegetables, and fish are always worthy choices.

Still, a daily multivitamin can be crucial because many of us do not maintain a diet that provides all of the nutrients that our hair requires. Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin C are some of the well-known essentials in foods and vitamins that our hair craves. These same vitamins are also beneficial for your skin.

Improve circulation from your scalp. Massaging your scalp doesn’t just feel incredible, it can also promote growth. A relaxing massage to your scalp helps the blood to flow properly to waken the hair follicles. Additionally, exercising will boost your mood and circulation. The improved circulation will aid your scalp in stimulating your hair follicles.

Keep your scalp and hair clean. A clean scalp with unclogged pores is less plagued with dandruff and itchiness, and hair that is cleansed correctly will balance pH levels, which encourages growth. This is best achieved when using natural shampoos and conditioners that are free of chemicals. “Co-washing,” washing the hair with only conditioner is a method enjoyed by many natural hair advocates to keep the hair clean, manageable, and moisturized.

That’s it for this week. Share this article with your friends, we’d appreciate it!

Dedicated to Your Beauty

Juliette Samuel


Nyraju Skin Care


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