How do you find the right natural products for your beautiful black skin skin in a market that caters to the lighter skinned consumer? You can, with a little research, find the best items for your complexion. There are many natural products for African American skin, but the trick is finding where they are, and which ones you need. Instead of ‘let the buyer beware’ you should think ‘let the buyer be aware’ of your skin, its problems, and what product will give you better looking skin.
The Starting Line
Look in the mirror and be honest about what you see, because you have to find the problems and fix them. Is your skin dry or do you have combination skin? With dry skin, you will need to use a gentle cleanser, and a moisturizer. Combination skin is harder to handle—you’ll want a cleanser that will remove oil, without harming the drier parts of your fact. There are plenty of cleansers, toners and moisturizers for combination skin, so don’t worry. You can find the right product.
Ashy Skin or Uneven Tone
Most estheticians and dermatologists believe ashy skin tone is created by dry skin. Once you find a good cleanser and moisturizer, and use it faithfully, your complexion will improve, and become more radiant. The key is to find the right product for your skin care regimen and use them every day. Beauty isn’t just pain; beauty is hard work, dedication and patience. Your complexion did not dry out overnight, and you won’t get glowing, even skin with just one face wash. Be consistent and patient, you will see good results.
How to Find the Right Natural Beauty Products
Use the Internet. It’s one of your most powerful shopping tools. Use search keywords like: natural African Skin Care products or natural black skin care products. Look for African American fashion magazines, or magazines with a beauty or style section. They usually have features on African American skin, and review the latest skincare products. But keep in mind that a lot of products offered in magazines are made by companies that are not African American or really for African American Skin. Tread waters carefully.
Reviews on websites can be enlightening and a good source of information. But remember, when reading any review, it’s just one person’s opinion, and their situation may not apply to yours.
Develop a Natural Skincare Plan for Purchasing Products for Your Beautiful Black Skin
Now that you’ve decided what products you need to get and keep an even, radiant complexion, it time to find out How and Where should you purchase them? Department stores have always been top of mind for most products. You can also schedule an appointment with an esthetician and if you like the products used on your skin, you can always purchase them.
As mentioned earlier the Internet is another way of finding the ideal product for your skin. Look for companies that offer Natural Skin Care Sample Kits for African American Skin. It’s a great way to sample a product line with a small investment and then determine what works best for you, before you purchase full sizes of the product.
By the Way …
Once you purchase the products, make sure you use them! You’ll never know how well they work if you never use them on your skin.
As Always …
Dedicated To Your Beauty,
Juliette Samuel