Beauty News!
Let’s not buy it by the case just yet, but according to the French Paradox, a glass of red wine a day can keep your heart healthy. According to researchers the compound found in the skin of grapes known as Resveratrol is not only good for your heart but it’s also good for your skin.
Resveratrol is found in the skin of grapes, but it’s also found in peanuts, berries belonging to the Vaccinium species such as blueberries, cranberries and bilberries and some pine trees.
A weed that grows in Eastern Asia known as Polygonum cuspidatum, Japanese knotweed, is the richest natural source of Resveratrol.
Resveratrol is clearly used as an antioxidant. As such it is found as one of the many ingredients in some anti aging products. As African Americans, signs of aging are not often your main concerns . That’s because you depend on your greatest asset, Melanin, which doesn’t show the aging process as quickly as with other races.
While this might be true about Melanin, scientist believe that 80% of the aging process is self induced. A major cause is overeating, followed by smoking, lack of exercise and psychological stress. A real eye opener, Ya think?
Lotions and potions are constantly being introduced to the market but if you can get the same results by eating your way to beautiful black skin, why not try a cup full of blueberries, a hand full of peanuts, a bunch of red grapes and if you feel that you absolutely must have it … a glass of red wine!
Dedicated To Your Beauty,
Juliette Samuel,
NYRAJU Skin Care