Peppermint-Tea Tree-Lemongrass Essential Oils for Natural Hair Care
Peppermint-Tea Tree-Lemongrass Essential Oils for Natural Hair Care

It’s hot , you’re sweating and your hair could use a little TLC. Summer heat brings with it a host of challenges for your natural kinky, coily, curly hair. You’ve got the challenge of dry hair because of the intensive heat.

Then there’s pool head. Well, at least for those of you that get in the pool, chlorine is a culprit.

Can’t forget about caring for your scalp when it comes to those of you with weaves. Although you’ve paid to have a little volume of hair put in your head, your scalp is still part of your natural you.

So what happens when your hair is hit with all of these challenges? You look for ways to relieve your scalp and hair by bringing in a product that will help eliminate the problem.

Typically you’ll purchase a shampoo and conditioner. Hopefully it will be one that will not strip the natural oils from your scalp and hair. But, what if it does? Then what? Why not begin your journey for the right hair care product or treatment with essential oils.

Here are 3 Essential Oils for Kinky, Coily, Curly Summer Hair Care:

1. Peppermint essential oil can naturally nourish and thicken damaged hair, as well as reduce dandruff. It’s also known to balance the pH level in your scalp, making it very useful in dry, flaky hair challenges.

Here’s a recipe for Rosemary and Peppermint Shampoo.

6 oz Aloe Vera Gel
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda (too much will strip the natural oils from your hair)
20 drops of rosemary essential oil
10 drops of peppermint essential oil
BPA free plastic dispenser bottle

Mix all ingredients together
Store in an 8 oz BPA plastic dispenser bottle

Because you’ve got the added bonus of rosemary essential oil in this shampoo recipe, it’s been known to also stop hair loss and thinning.

2. Tea Tree oil also known as Melaleuca is one of the best herbs to reduce hair loss and promote hair growth. It naturally soothes an itchy scalp and helps prevent hair challenges like dandruff, cradle cap, baldness, head lice and psoriasis.

Tea tree essential oil is an anti-fungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-infection and anti viral oil. It helps to unblock your hair follicles and boost your immune system to be able to fight against infections that can possibly lead to hair loss.

Tea tree moisturizes your hair and keeps your scalp free of infections. It has zero toxicity and is recommended by dermatologist and hair dressers. It works well in shampoos and conditioners for your hair

3. Lemongrass offers great support in hair care. If you’re struggling with hair loss, or other scalp conditions, lemongrass essential oil may be beneficial. It can help strengthen your hair follicles.  When used in scalp treatments, it’s an added bonus for your hair care needs. A simple application would be to add an herbal oil blend to your scalp and cover with a shower cap or warm towel.

It also acts as a great stimuli if you have trouble getting started in the mornings. Add a few drops to a cotton swab and place it in your car. You could blend lemongrass with an essential oil or two and create a spray mist for your car and home.

The hot weather of summer brings elements that will strip your hair of its natural oils as well as dry your scalp and hair tips making it brittle and susceptible to damaged ends.

If you’re not a do-it-yourself kind of person, your can always visit our website and get hair care products already made with your hair in mind. Like what you’ve read? Please share it with a friend.

That’s it for this week. As always …

Dedicated to Your Beauty

Juliette Samuel

Nyraju Skin Care



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Essential Oils For Afro Textured Hair

Here’s  A Great Book To Add To Your Library!

If you’re looking for a natural alternative to care for your Afro Texture hair, essential oils could be the key.  Your kinky, curly, coiled hair is shaped differently and has a magnificent history. We want you to celebrate it! 

Essential oils have been part of the stories and celebrations for centuries when it comes to your hair and its health.

Essential oils are a natural alternative for the care and maintenance of your hair.  They’re lightweight and penetrate your hair and scalp well.  

Many of them have been known to stimulate your scalp, increase circulation, nourish hair follicles, grow it and improve your overall hair health.

Get Your Copy Today!

Essential Oils For Afro Textured Hair-How To Nurture Replenish and Grow It Using Them

-You’ll learn which essential oils are best for your unique hair.

-You’ll learn about carrier oils and the ones best used for your hair and scalp care

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